





Premium Fertilizer w/crabgrass control 30% slow released Fertilizer with a crabgrass control designed to combat annual weeds before they start. *SEE BELOW This product cannot be used in conjunction with seeding.
 Late Spring
Premium Fertilizer w/grub prevent 45% slow released A fertilizer designed to feed your lawn through the hot summer months and prevent damage to your lawn by grubs that feed on roots of grasses.
Premium Fertilizer 50% slow released At this time we are applying a broadleaf herbicide to combat weeds such as dandelions and clover. We are continuing to provide nutrients to your lawn.
 Early Fall
Premium Root Feeding Fertilizer 50% slow released 2% Iron A slow-released fertilizer designed to help your lawn recover from the summer months. We will also treat for broadleaf weeds if necessary. It is also the best time to aerate and/or seed your lawn.
 Late Fall
Premium Deep Root Feeding Fertilizer 35% Slow Released Will keep grass greener into the cold weather. Promotes root development and promotes earlier spring green-up.
 Late Fall Limestone Assists in raising PH levels in the lawn which will maximize nutrient availability for plant.

*A pre-emergent herbicide will also prevent grass seed from germinating. There are other products available to use in conjunction with seeding at this time.


Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small, solid plugs of thatch from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration. It reduces soil compaction, and allows more air, water, and fertilizers to reach the roots, while also reducing thatch build-up. And it promotes deeper root growth and more drought-tolerant lawns.


Slice-seeding (also known as slit-seeding) is a great method for overseeding established lawns. Mechanical slice-seeders have verticutting blades that cut through the thatch layer and open up a slit in the soil. The slice-seeding unit ensures the seed gets into the soil where it can germinate. More seed-to-soil contact creates a higher germination rate and a better stand of new grass. Slice-seeding is not always the answer for every lawn. We will provide you with a free lawn evaluation and help you choose the right service.






Spring/Fall Dormant Oil For best control to limit insect egg masses.
Early Summer through Late Summer Insect and Disease Controls Continuous monitoring and treatments to control a variety of insects and diseases.
Fall Fertilization

To aid in the plants health, growth and vigor for proper development.

Fall/Early Winter Vaporguard Treatment To reduce moisture loss in select plant material from extreme cold and wind burn.
Spring/Early Summer Tall Tree Spraying

Applied to larger trees for control of canker worms, tent caterpillars and gypsy moths to limit foliar damage to leaf tissue.



  • Cankerworms: Cankerworm caterpillars (inchworms) are common on shade trees in late Spring. Cankerworms feed on the leaves of many different hardwood trees, including oaks, elms, apples, cherries, hickories, maples, ashes, beeches, and lindens. From that, cankerworm defoliation increases tree stresses which lead to borer damage, branch dieback, and root decline. Cankerworms have only one generation each year, hatching in early spring. Cankerworm problems are most effectively managed with regular inspections and treatments based on the results of those inspections. Chemical foliage spray treatments are the most widely effective and least expensive approach to cankerworm management. Slow release tree fertilizers will help trees recover from cankerworm outbreaks. Routinely fertilized trees will be better able to withstand future stresses and insect outbreaks.
  • Gypsy Moths: Gypsy moths feed on a wide variety of tree and shrub species, such as oak, birch, apple, and willow. A fully grown larva can consume as much as one square foot of foliage per day. When infestations are heavy, entire trees may be stripped in just a few days. Two to three consecutive years of heavy defoliation will result in death of most hardwoods, especially oaks. The process begins in April to May, when eggs hatch, then feed in June and early July. The adults emerge from pupation in late July and August where the female will then lay up to 800 eggs at a time for next year’s hatch. We recommend a two-tiered spraying program to combat this pest problem.
  • Tent Caterpillars: A program of regularly scheduled inspections (IPM) is the most effective approach to tent caterpillar management. A spray should be applied to the nest and at the least one foot of the surrounding branches or trunk. The application is most effective when the nest and caterpillars are small. This service is timed from mid-late Spring and commonly found on crab-apples, plums, peaches, and hawthorn.
  • Winter Moths: Moths (the adult stage of Winter Moths) usually emerge from the soil in mid-to-late November and may be active into January, or whenever the air temperatures are mild. Male moths have wings and can be seen flying around outside lights and holiday lights. The female moths are almost always wingless and cannot fly. Females release a pheromone that attracts flying males and, after mating, eggs are laid on the bark of the tree. The moths need temperatures above freezing to fly and commonly feed upon all maples, oak, apple, crab-apple, ash, and blueberry.  Come late March to early April, just as the tree buds are about to open, as many as a quarter-million caterpillars can hatch on a single tree. They climb out onto the limbs and burrow into the buds to feed. The result are leaves that resemble lace. The caterpillars, about an inch long at maturity, will gorge themselves until June, when they bury themselves in the ground, form cocoons, and wait to emerge as adult moths in the fall. We recommend a two-tiered dormant oil spraying program in the Spring to combat this pest problem.


  • Cankerworms: Cankerworm caterpillars (inchworms) are common on shade trees in late Spring. Cankerworms feed on the leaves of many different hardwood trees, including oaks, elms, apples, cherries, hickories, maples, ashes, beeches, and lindens. From that, cankerworm defoliation increases tree stresses which lead to borer damage, branch dieback, and root decline. Cankerworms have only one generation each year, hatching in early spring. Cankerworm problems are most effectively managed with regular inspections and treatments based on the results of those inspections. Chemical foliage spray treatments are the most widely effective and least expensive approach to cankerworm management. Slow release tree fertilizers will help trees recover from cankerworm outbreaks. Routinely fertilized trees will be better able to withstand future stresses and insect outbreaks.
  • Gypsy Moths: Gypsy moths feed on a wide variety of tree and shrub species, such as oak, birch, apple, and willow. A fully grown larva can consume as much as one square foot of foliage per day. When infestations are heavy, entire trees may be stripped in just a few days. Two to three consecutive years of heavy defoliation will result in death of most hardwoods, especially oaks. The process begins in April to May, when eggs hatch, then feed in June and early July. The adults emerge from pupation in late July and August where the female will then lay up to 800 eggs at a time for next year’s hatch. We recommend a two-tiered spraying program to combat this pest problem.
  • Tent Caterpillars: A program of regularly scheduled inspections (IPM) is the most effective approach to tent caterpillar management. A spray should be applied to the nest and at the least one foot of the surrounding branches or trunk. The application is most effective when the nest and caterpillars are small. This service is timed from mid-late Spring and commonly found on crab-apples, plums, peaches, and hawthorn.
  • Winter Moths: Moths (the adult stage of Winter Moths) usually emerge from the soil in mid-to-late November and may be active into January, or whenever the air temperatures are mild. Male moths have wings and can be seen flying around outside lights and holiday lights. The female moths are almost always wingless and cannot fly. Females release a pheromone that attracts flying males and, after mating, eggs are laid on the bark of the tree. The moths need temperatures above freezing to fly and commonly feed upon all maples, oak, apple, crab-apple, ash, and blueberry.  Come late March to early April, just as the tree buds are about to open, as many as a quarter-million caterpillars can hatch on a single tree. They climb out onto the limbs and burrow into the buds to feed. The result are leaves that resemble lace. The caterpillars, about an inch long at maturity, will gorge themselves until June, when they bury themselves in the ground, form cocoons, and wait to emerge as adult moths in the fall. We recommend a two-tiered dormant oil spraying program in the Spring to combat this pest problem.


This application will decrease mosquito populations for a period of 21-30 days. Our services can range from a single application for a special event to monthly spraying to limit mosquito populations from April through September. Why should mosquitoes affect your time outdoors? Give us a call before your next outdoor gathering.


Ticks and deer ticks are on the rise and spreading disease. These diseases can be transferred quickly to pets and humans. The best defense for tick control in a residential area is a barrier treatment. This treatment will cover the complete outer barrier of your yard, along with the lawn and foundation. A three-step program is recommended, and this service would be done in 30-45 day intervals. This method will reduce tick and deer tick populations (which can carry Lyme disease) between mid-April and August. 


Unsightly weeds in your ornamental shrubs and flower beds are controlled with our season long program. An initiation of pre-emergent weed controls along with carefully timed follow up treatments will significantly reduce existing weeds and minimize new weed growth.


  • Spring clean-ups: Spring Clean-ups are typically performed in March and April. This service will include the removal of all leaves and debris left over from the winter months, and all lawn areas will be lightly dethatched and mowed, leaving your lawn ready for the spring, summer, and fall.
  • Weekly Mowing: The mowing season starts at the end of April and runs through October. All mowing services will be performed by trained, experienced employees using professional equipment. It includes line-trimming around areas the mower cannot cut and air-blowing of all debris from walks, drives, patios, etc.
  • Weeding: We offer weekly weeding along with your weekly mowing or a monthly weed removal service, which is billed on an hourly basis. This monthly service would include spring raking of all your shrub beds.
  • Edging: Edging is the process of cutting the sod around mulch beds creating a clean border. This service is essential to overall appearance, and with the proper maintenance it will keep grass from growing in the beds and mulch off your lawn.
  • Mulch installation: Mulch installs are typically performed in the spring. Mulch helps with weed control, and it is beneficial for water conservation. When installing mulch, a 1 ½” – 2” thick coating will be applied. You can choose among three kinds of mulch – hemlock, dark pine, or black.
  • Pruning: All of your shrubs and trees (up to 15 feet in height) will be pruned and shaped giving them a manicured look.  All pruning will be performed at the correct time of the year to encourage new buds for the upcoming season.
  • Irrigation service: Water is definitely the key to a successful landscape. A properly adjusted system will add to that success and save you money. We offer:
    • Spring start-ups with adjustments
    • Seasonal repairs and adjustments
    • Irrigation winterizing
  • Service Area
    • Raynham
    • Taunton
    • Easton
    • Bridgewater
    • West Bridgewater


  • Spring clean-ups: Spring Clean-ups are typically performed in March and April. This service will include the removal of all leaves and debris left over from the winter months, and all lawn areas will be lightly dethatched and mowed, leaving your lawn ready for the spring, summer, and fall.
  • Weekly Mowing: The mowing season starts at the end of April and runs through October. All mowing services will be performed by trained, experienced employees using professional equipment. It includes line-trimming around areas the mower cannot cut and air-blowing of all debris from walks, drives, patios, etc.
  • Weeding: We offer weekly weeding along with your weekly mowing or a monthly weed removal service, which is billed on an hourly basis. This monthly service would include spring raking of all your shrub beds.
  • Edging: Edging is the process of cutting the sod around mulch beds creating a clean border. This service is essential to overall appearance, and with the proper maintenance it will keep grass from growing in the beds and mulch off your lawn.
  • Mulch installation: Mulch installs are typically performed in the spring. Mulch helps with weed control, and it is beneficial for water conservation. When installing mulch, a 1 ½” – 2” thick coating will be applied. You can choose among three kinds of mulch – hemlock, dark pine, or black.
  • Pruning: All of your shrubs and trees (up to 15 feet in height) will be pruned and shaped giving them a manicured look.  All pruning will be performed at the correct time of the year to encourage new buds for the upcoming season.
  • Irrigation service: Water is definitely the key to a successful landscape. A properly adjusted system will add to that success and save you money. We offer:
    • Spring start-ups with adjustments
    • Seasonal repairs and adjustments
    • Irrigation winterizing


Commercial plowing and sanding: We have extensive experience in commercial and condominium plowing and sanding. We also have the equipment and personnel to handle any storm Mother Nature hands us.  We also offer the following:

  • Hand Shoveling
  • Ice melt
  • Salting
  • Sanding
  • Snow blowing
  • Snow plowing
  • Snow removal


Commercial plowing and sanding: We have extensive experience in commercial and condominium plowing and sanding. We also have the equipment and personnel to handle any storm Mother Nature hands us. 

We  also offer the following:

  • Hand Shoveling
  • Ice melt
  • Salting
  • Sanding
  • Snow blowing
  • Snow plowing
  • Snow removal


Address : 1729 Broadway #1 Raynham MA, 02767.